Split Top Roubo Bench Plans

The Split Top Roubo is widely used by professional furnituremakers, teachers and schools, as well as amateur woodworkers. It excels at holding work in the three most necessary positions: for working edges, faces, and ends. The Glide Leg Vise excels at working the edges of boards.
The Split Top Roubo is constructed with massive components. The tops are 4" thick by 87" long. The legs are 3-1/2" thick by 5-3/8" wide with the remaining base elements 3" thick and 1-3/4" thick. The complete bench weighs upwards of 350 pounds. It does not move under the most rigorous woodworking activities. The bench can be built entirely with 8/4 stock if desired. We recommend using hardwoods like ash, hard or soft maple, or beech for their mass and durability.

Outfitted with the Benchcrafted Crisscross, workpieces of different thickness are clamped and repositioned quickly and easily without having to change the position of a parallel guide pin.

Working the ends of boards is also possible with the leg vise, coupled with the sliding deadman and a holdfast (we use and recommend Gramercy Holdfasts.) Although we prefer the Moxon vise for these operations. The sliding deadman is also useful for supporting the ends of long boards when working on edges. The right leg also features holdfast holes for even more versatility.

The Tail Vise is ideal for working the faces of boards, with work held between dogs. You can also do mallet work while using the tail vise, since the wagon vise design maintains the robust structure of the top surrounding the vise.

The first dog is positioned directly over the leg, and allows clamping of very short pieces. This is handy for holding narrow boards across their width for certain operations. An access hole in the leg allows the dog to be pushed up conveniently.
Gap Stop

The Gap Stop runs down the middle of the bench between the two top sections and features gaps for storing tools.

The Gap Stop fully supports the board when planing across the grain, allowing rapid repositioning for working multiple boards. Ramps in the Gap Stop allow it to rise up over the base's upper rails when simply pushed to the left, from flush to 5/8" above the top. Remove the Gap Stop entirely to clamp work directly to the top between the two top sections. If you prefer an uninterrupted surface, simply build a solid Gap Stop. The Split Top Roubo can also be built with one continuous top, without a Gap Stop.
1" holes are strategically placed throughout each top section for holdfasts and other accessories.

The Gap Stop protrudes above the bench and is excellent for working boards across their width. There is no better setup for adjusting tenon thickness.

The base elements are joined with drawbored mortise and tenon, with the long rails using our our Benchcrafted Barrel Nuts. This allows the base to break down into four parts for easier relocation. The end cap is also attached with mortise and tenon, and our End Cap Barrel Nuts for easy installation. The protruding ends of the barrel nuts allow installation with only one tool. The tops key onto the base with four massive tenons on the ends of each leg, plus four Spax lag screws. These German-made fasteners are excellent quality, with deep, sharp threads and large washer-heads.

Included in the Split Top Roubo plans
Measured Drawings
Four 20" x 30" printed pages of the measured drawings, showing the bench in numerous views, exploded, and with details of each part. Extremely comprehensive and concise. Printed on 20-lb. bond paper, edge bound, and shipped rolled in a tube, not folded.
History, design info, construction notes and techniques, and photos of the completed bench. Get the free construction notes below.
3D eDrawing
This 3D drawing can be rotated and viewed from any angle. You can move the individual parts around and make them invisible or transparent to see exactly how the joinery works or how the vises are installed. If you're familiar with Sketchup, this is very similar. You can download the eDrawing and viewing software below.
Installation instructions for all our products are supplied only in PDF format. Please download and review the instructions before using your product.
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